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Placing OrdersWhy is the item price different to what I was expecting?
You may be looking at a promotion price that has since expired.
For online orders, we may occasionally adjust the pricing of items for short term promotions such as daily deals. Such pricing is only available for a brief period of time. To understand when the promotion ends, you can usually see this in the promotion banner on our website or on any promotional emails that you may have received..
Additionally, please note that some products feature different pricing per size / colour / style etc.
Please be aware that we cannot retrospectively change or negotiate the pricing of items within your order. We will also not be able to honour promotions that have since expired.
We make every effort to keep your shopping experience as easy and accurate as possible for you, but if you do experience a problem with item pricing from how a price is displayed on the website compared to what you are seeing during checkout. Please contact us so we can investigate this further.
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